Monday, April 8, 2013

Risk Factors For Acute Injury and Long-Term Symptoms Associated With Whiplash

I often get asked questions regarding why some people in the same car, when exposed to the same forces of a crash, get injured, while other occupants of the vehicle do not suffer injuries. It is important to understand that forces and acceleration alone do not dictate risk for whiplash injury. Certain risk factors such as a person's age, height, previous health condition and head restraint geometry all play a role, even in instances of lower property damage crashes.

According to Dr. Arthur Croft in his book "Whiplash and Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries: A Guide for Patients and Practitioners" Dr. Croft notes the following factors as being predictive of experiencing whiplash from an auto accident (page 22).
  • Female sex
  • Females weighing less than 130 lbs in front crashes
  • Tall females
  • History of prior neck injury
  • Head restraint below head's center of gravity
  • History of whiplash injury
  • Poor head restraint geometry/tall occupant
  • Rear vs. other vector impacts
  • Use of seat belts/shoulder harness
  • Body mass index/head neck index (decreased risk with increasing mass and neck size)
  • Out-of-position occupant (i.e. leaning forward/slumped posture)
  • Having the head turned at impact
  • Non-awareness of impending impact
  • Increasing age (middle age and beyond)
  • Front vs. rear seat position
  • Impact by vehicle of greater mass 
  • Crash velocity under 10 mph (paradoxical, but true!)
If you or anyone you know has been injured as a result of an auto accident and has suffered from a whiplash injury in Baltimore, please contact Mid-Atlantic Spinal Rehab & Chiropractic at (443) 842-5500 or email us. We would be happy to help!

1 comment:

  1. A lot of people get injured on daily and get to hospitals as when you enter a hospital so we come to know their is a long row of injured patients in the emergencies and they are prescribed pain killers for longer duration which ultimately causes bad impressions on their stomachs. I suggest hem all to have physiotherapy from the best physiotherapist as well so that they can get rid of their pains without any side effects.
